In the purest sense I am spontaneous at best. So begins a journey that I am taking in late November. I have secured passage on an adventure! I love adventure, and travel. Where am I off to?? A few places actually. I will be leaving San Antonio Texas en route to Chicago Illinois. I have a life long friend there named Jarrod Spadino. He and I were in the US Navy Together. He lives in Highland Park Illinois.I left him a message last night to let him know that I would love to have lunch with him in downtown Chicago. (Union Station is in the heart of Chicago). It will take 37 hours by train which by the way is really the ONLY way to travel. From There i will be off to Our Nations Capital! I have a friend there as well. Her Name is Shadi Bahar-Azir. I have known her for 20 years. She was my best friend, David Shaw's' Girlfriend. we have always stayed in contact. I let her and her husband know of my trip last night, and we will also be having lunch at the American Cafe in Georgetown. (DC) So far so good! My final destination will be Miami Florida. I have been there once before. I have a wonderful friend there that I will also be having lunch with. You can say that this is a lunch mini vacation if you will. New friends and old. I will be taking photographs and am certain I will get some great shots. the whole trip will last almost 9 days for a few precious moments with friends. I feel it is well worth the time! Also there is nothing like traveling with a set agenda that isn't so set ya know? I am free to do what I please. I can get out in Oklahoma City, Cleveland Ohio, Kansas City Missouri, Charleston South Carolina, Savannah Georgia, or Orlando Florida. I will be stopping in all these cities with enough time to eat and wander a bit. A photographers dream! I am extremely excited. You all will be right there with me. I did this in Europe with friends once. Actually Jarrod from Chicago was with me and 4 others we did the euro rail from Naples Italy to Cannes France. this time it will be just me. Me and a friend. It will be the best 8 hours of my life! keep you all posted.