Hmm. Random thoughts of hoagies and bagels, yes that is today's blog theme. Total unadulterated randomness. I am feeling the nice breeze of fall coming. Here in the South it comes much later than normal, so I may be just wishing it here!
Have you ever wondered where all the flour in the air around a New York City bakery goes? Ok if you have never been to the city, Trucks pump flour into holds located beneath NYC bakeries. As they do this early in the mornings there is always a hazy cloud of white flour clouds. Where does the flour go?
Ok something else, I donated a piece for a charity auction this weekend. It was "wintermint". I am pleased to have been able to do this. P.S Riot Kitty's painting is in Oregon today! Woo Hoo!
My mom won at bingo a day ago! Ya! She's doing so much better. I am so happy to see her progress!
I am about to paint again soon! Woo Hoo! ya!
I am generally happy right now!
Winter is coming! Ya! i LOVE THE WINTER!
Miami I s around the corner! Ya!