My friends, I must say with heartfelt joy that we as a people of this great land have spoken, all at once we shouted from the top of our voices WE CAN! I sat tonight a humble participant of a process I doubted...and yet a silent figure took my heart by storm.. A figure not of a newly elected beacon of hope. You see I sat tonight with a visage of human strength. A rock beyond comprehension. I sat with my mother, barely able to move, and yet she sat there with strength beyond my own bodies comprehension. I watched her shed tears for a new generation, not her own. I felt in my own heart a sense of new found duty. A duty to serve and make a change. Make a change worth living for. I put my son to sleep tonight with a resurrected glince of hope. He so joyfully at eight years of age pronounced that WE had won. It is truly he that won tonight. My hope is that he will not have to bear the misgivings of a nation that tonight has passed him by. He may never know the division that has been so abhorrently evident in the last 18 months. My son, my champion, my shining ray of hope may see a world better than that of the past. I am truly humbled. Those of you out there that know me know this to be true. I love my country, I love my life, I love my son, and above all I love my mom! Thank you President Obama because I love you too!