So I just finished watching the new ABC series "Dating in the Dark". I am hooked! I love this concept and I hate it at the same time. I wish I had the forethought to produce it as I feel as a member of the dating world that I could buy into this experiment. Or not...Many times over have I anticipated an arranged meeting and felt like rejection was around the corner. To my fascination more times than not it went well, or sooooo I thought... Am I a hulk? no....Am I a hunk? noooo...Well maybe a lil but to the slurry that is cast before me maybe not! i am interesting and fun and jovial, and well I am the patchwork of Americana that Americana has made me. Am I a catch? Yes I am a catch, because I appreciate and nurture the inner thoughts of all that is feminine. Or so I thought. This lil program changed my views. Are all women looking for Brad Fucking Pitt? Are they secretly meeting and longing for Armand Fucking Assante? I don't know you tell me? I can jog 1 mile and paint a pretty picture of life's meaning and yet I haven't the first clue as to what drives the female Psyche. Or do I? A mixed up puzzle you all are and we adore or try to and what do we get? A slammed door in a dark room without respite for as the program indicates looks drive the wagon. Or do they? I am not bad looking by any means and yet I feel this might be the case. Or is it? I am pissed because this experiment has gone array, and Well Fuck it lets have an experiment of own shall we? Let me know blogger's can we dance? Can we experiment? I will be waiting for your answers!,,,,,,,,,,And Comments!